How to get your freight broker to work harder for you

You have hired yourself a trustworthy and reputable Melbourne freight broker and things are going great...well things are sort of going great. You wish the freight broker you had hired would work a little harder for you; well there are a few key tricks to help convince your Australian freight broker to work harder for you.

  • Pay on time – When you are working with other companies and individuals it is vital you pay them on time and in a timely fashion. If your freight broker knows you pay on time they will be more likely to get your shipments shipped in a quick fashion.
  • Don’t Be Cheap – When it comes to finding good help the saying "Good help isn’t cheap." Really says it all. Don’t try to pay less than the work is worth. If you are wondering if you are paying enough ask yourself "Would I be happy being paid this amount for this particular job?"
  • Good Communication – It is important to have open and honest communication lines with your broker. Tell them exactly what you want to see happen and when but do this in a respectful and open-minded manner. Be honest about the load, what it is and how much it weighs as well, nothing is more frustrating than working with someone who withholds the truth.
  • Be Respectful – Don’t question the broker on their jobs as you would a new employee that is fresh on the field. Trust that your freight broker knows what they are doing and have a certain level of trust in them.

In order to get your freight broker to work harder for you, you also need to develop a good working relationship with them. It may take time but you can certainly show them that you are serious and stick to your word early on in the beginning.